Wilbert Wins: Media Relations - Q1 2023

For most of our clients, media relations is an important piece of an integrated PR program. Coverage in well-respected media outlets has credibility. Plus, many outlets have large and relevant audiences. We’ve built relationships with local, regional and national journalists, which helps us effectively pitch stories about our clients.…

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What ChatGPT and AI Mean for Storytelling

In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way businesses operate and interact with their customers. One notable example is the emergence of chatbots, computer programs that can mimic human conversation and engage in real-time with users. ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, is a state-of-the-art chatbot that has taken the marketing world by storm. Its advanced natural language processing capabilities enable it to understand and respond to customer inquiries and provide personalized recommendations. In this blog, we will explore how ChatGPT is impacting marketing agencies, and why businesses should consider incorporating this innovative technology into their marketing strategies. Okay, I’ll level with you: I didn’t write the paragraph above. ChatGPT did. …

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Summer 2023 Wilbert Fellowship

The Wilbert Group is excited to launch the application process for the Summer 2023 Wilbert Fellowship, an immersive, six-month program for recent college graduates.…

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W: Cares 2022 Wrap-up

Wilbert Cares is one of my favorite programs at The Wilbert Group. The program involves a variety of contributions to our community and the industries we serve, including volunteering with local organizations, such as Open Hand Atlanta and Lost-n-Found Youth; offering pro bono and in-kind services to groups such as City of Refuge and ULI Atlanta; and supporting our industries through involvement with PRSA Georgia and our fellowship program. …

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Since we hired our first full-time videographer in spring 2017, it has continued to grow as the most consumed content, no matter the platform.…

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Why You Should Consider an Influencer Marketing Program in 2023

Today, strong digital marketing programs remind me of a salad (hang in here with me for a second - it will make sense). Organic social media posts are the lettuce - or maybe it’s a mix of kale (Instagram), arugula (TikTok) and romaine (LinkedIn). You have to have the lettuce to make a salad, but no one wants to eat a whole bowl of lettuce. So, you add in croutons (short-form video content) and some carrots (great graphics), tomatoes (contests and giveaways) and tie it all together with dressing (paid social media campaigns). You have to have the dressing to make the rest of the ingredients shine. …

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Best Of: Wilbert’s Top PR Wins in 2022

Last year was an extremely successful year for our PR team here at Wilbert, and we saw win after exciting win for our clients in a range of media outlets. We secured coverage in markets across the country, on topics ranging from hotels-to-apartment conversions to first looks at some of the Southeast’s biggest upcoming CRE developments. These stories have landed in outlets as big as CNN and Wall Street Journal, resulting in unparalleled media exposure the year. We built relationships with reporters across the map and garnered great attention for our clients’ many projects, accomplishments and initiatives. Here are some of our top media moments from 2022: …

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Wilbert Wins: Media Relations - October + November

For most of our clients, media relations is an important piece of an integrated PR program. Coverage in well-respected media outlets has credibility. Plus, many outlets have large and relevant audiences. We’ve built relationships with local, regional and national journalists, which helps us effectively pitch stories about our clients.…

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This Fall’s Spooky Crises Bring Back Ghosts of Prior PR Nightmares

As Halloween approaches, some scary PR crises have jumped out from the hedgerow. We can turn and run, or confront them. Or, as those young adults did in that humorous Geico commercial, we can hide behind the chainsaws. As a crisis PR counselor, I choose confrontation. The crises that have popped up this fall require us to fight back even if those creating the crises don’t seem to have learned from their previous missteps. …

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